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Diggers Factory Collaboration
At Legend Vinyl, we’re all about enhancing your vinyl experience, and that includes helping independent artists take their music to the next level. Today, we’re going to dive into the world of vinyl records and how Diggers Factory can be a game-changer for artists like you. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Digger Factory to bring you an extra-special offer!
Is Vinyl and LP The Same: Vinyl LP Meaning
In the linguistic space of most hobbies there are certain phrases and terms that are swapped without much forethought. There are rarely hobbies for which this is the case more than vinyl record collecting, where the utterance of one word can mean another thing entirely. This kind of linguistic interchange is especially evident for newcomers […]
Record Grading Explained by Experts
Are you looking to find out how much your records are worth? Are you finding it hard to categorise just how worn out they might be by the hours you have spent spinning them (or not as the case may be)? Have you been longing for a way to easily categorise the wear and tear […]
Moving Coil vs Moving Magnet: How Do They Work?
So, you have just started record collecting and want to come to learn to understand just exactly what the difference is between a moving coil vs moving magnet cartridge? Or, perhaps you are simply wanting to broaden your knowledge for the purpose of investing in a different kind of cartridge for your own setup, one […]
How Do Vinyl Records Work?
Vinyl enthusiasts can go their whole lives without really asking or receiving lucid answers to the question of how does vinyl work. And that’s all well and good, not all questions need answering, just as all answers do not need questions. But you are curious and thus have found your way here, either inadvertently or […]
How to Store Vinyl Records – Expert Guide
As the aspects of record collecting go, it can be all too easy to neglect learning how to store vinyl records properly. This surely seems nonsensical: if we truly care about record collecting and listening to records, then why would we not want to take care of our records as much as possible, to ensure […]
How Are Vinyl Records Graded
If you are in the game of vinyl record collecting you are, at one point or another, going to be purchasing records and / or selling them off, whether to buy more or simply to get back some of the valuable capital lost to the cause. In these instances, you are almost certainly going to […]
Guide to Vinyl Record Sizes
When first starting out on our vinyl record collecting journey it can certainly be most confusing to have to navigate such an intense field of new terminology. So democratised and user led is this community that new terminology and slang arises all the time and is, in fact, part of the very fabric of this […]
What Do the Numbers Mean on Vinyl Records?
If we are unfamiliar with the world of vinyl record collecting and the inherent logic within, then all of the numbers and glyphs can seem awfully frightening and overwhelming. Why can’t we just take our records and play them for crying out loud?! But what if we were to play our new vinyl records too […]
Crate Digging for Vinyl: All You Need to Know
This is another of those terms that has taken on special relevance in the last few years as more and more fans of a certain genre of music have become more hip to hop of the lingo. In this sense, it can certainly feel like a more recent trend or even a coinage from the […]
Vinyl 101: Vinyl Record Weight
Driven as vinyl record collectors are by their swellings of passion for this most exclusive of hobbies, there are points of contention between fellow enthusiasts at almost every turn. This is true even down to the smallest of additions and accessories in one’s vinyl tool belt. The record weight might seem like a no brainer […]
7 Best Gifts for Vinyl Lovers
With the advent of the internet and all relating technologies there has never before been such a wealth of ideas to buy great gifts for vinyl lovers, such a suppository from which to draw in order to please the resident vinyl record collector in your circle of friends. You just can’t beat the look, sound […]
Why Do Records Skip? How to Fix a Skipping Record?
All vinyl record collecting enthusiasts will have found themselves at some point or another in possession of a record that simply does not want to play ball. We will be listening to a beautiful or charming song, really feeling it, then all of a sudden the needle will start to tap dance all over the […]
Is Vinyl Worth It? Should I Get a Record Player?
What with the veritable boom in enthusiasm for the vinyl record format seeing new peak after new peak, you would be forgiven for asking yourself personally, is vinyl worth it? As with anything, you will have to take into account plenty of personal factors, for each and every vinyl record collector will be different and […]
Why the “needle” (Cartridge) matters so much
The needle is the translator between the LP and the sound. You put the turntable’s arm down so the needle sits in the groove of the record and hey presto, the music plays. That needle, the stylus, is part of the cartridge, a complete little electro-mechanical device attached to the very end of the turntable’s [...]
Why vinyl produces “warmer” sound
The experience of listening to music varies based on the device you use when playing a song. Playing music through a digital device differs significantly from the sound of a vinyl record. By understanding the way vinyl impacts sound quality, you will recognise why it has a warmer sound. Before you can understand the reasons [...]
Why is vinyl so special?
Many people wonder why Vinyl lovers are so passionate about their vinyl. The truth is, because the sound is better. Apart from the nostalgic appeal and satisfying ritual of removing the album from it’s sleeve, placing on a turntable and gently lowering the needle to play, there is a reason why vinyl is so special [...]
How vinyl records are made
1. CUTTING YOUR MUSIC ONTO A LACQUER Using a lathe, engineers begin with a test cut to ensure everything is working properly. This cut is inspected under a microscope to ensure it is in pristine condition. When the recording is started the sapphire tipped cutter etches the sound onto the lacquer disc. The music is […]
A brief history of the vinyl LP
Vinyl records have been delighting listeners and collectors since the 1900s. Since RCA Victor launched the first commercial vinyl long-playing record in 1930. The first vinyl discs were made for playback at 33 1/3 rpm and pressed onto 12″ diameter flexible plastic discs. These were a commercial flop due to consumer hesitance during the Great […]
The Importance of cleaning your records
Great, rich and lush sounds emanating from your turntable start with a clean, static-free vinyl record. Whether you are a casual collector or a hardcore audiophile, it’s important to know the importance of cleaning both used and brand-new records. Almost every new record comes positively charged with static electricity when you remove it from the […]